
Hypnosis - goal-oriented and efficient

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"As long as you do not become conscious of the unconscious,

it will guide your life and you will call it 'destiny'."

(Carl Gustav Jung)

Hypnosis gives you the opportunity to work through something that you find to be a hindrance in your everyday life. Hypnosis can be used to efficiently resolve old blockages or recurring feelings that hinder you.

Indication for hypnosis

Hypnosis is an effective psychotherapeutic procedure recognized by the Scientific Advisory Board for Psychotherapy. Hypnosis has been used by various peoples for centuries. It achieves a state of focused attention (trance) that allows access to the subconscious. By accessing the subconscious, unwanted misbehavior can be changed. It is physical relaxation with full mental concentration, in which the unconscious comes to the fore.

Every hypnosis is a self-hypnosis in which you are supported to enter the hypnotic state more easily. Through your willingness, you play an important role in your change, as hypnosis gives you the chance to gain new ways of thinking and options for action. The hypnotized person brings about the hypnotic state themselves. The hypnotherapist only mediates and guides.

In summary, we can say:

1. Hypnosis and change are only possible if you allow it.

2. Nothing can be suggested against your will in hypnosis.

3. You do not reveal any secrets during hypnosis.

I would be happy to help you determine the hypnosis that best suits you and your needs. Talk to me or write to me: Telephone: 066141095339 - Email: info@psychotherapie-tokata.de

  • Suggestionshypnose

    In hypnosis, you are given positive suggestions that were previously discussed with you. This means that your negative beliefs and thought patterns are replaced with positive ones. This can help with your personal development. Positive suggestions are repeated several times and you change your undesirable behavior into the behavior you want.

  • Regressionshypnose

    The “lovely – unloved” feelings and how hypnosis helps.

  • Simpson Protocol

    Another method of hypnosis is the Simpson Protocol. The Simpson Protocol enables effective communication with you during hypnosis and is therefore much more effective, sustainable and efficient. Any kind of problem can be dealt with very flexibly, without you having to have recognized the problem yourself or wanting to talk about it. Of course, you can also talk about your problems.

  • Extension Simpson Protocol - Chakra Hypnosis

    You have already read that you have many possibilities with the Simpson Protocol.

I look forward to your inquiry. Important: Since 2006, hypnosis has also been partially covered by health insurance companies. - Ask your health insurance company.
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The following note: I would like to point out that as a natural health practitioner, limited to the field of psychotherapy, I am not allowed to make any promises of healing. A visit to my practice is in no way a substitute for treatment by a doctor. Since many psychological symptoms can also have a physical cause, it is necessary to have the symptoms clarified by your GP or specialist!

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