Animal-assisted therapy

Animal-assisted therapy

“Give a man a dog and his soul will be healthy.” (Hildegard von Bingen)

Do you like animals and do they give you a feeling of security, so you would like to have a "little animal therapist" there to support you during the conversations? Please feel free to talk to me about it.

animal-assisted therapy

Various scientific studies prove the positive effect of animals on people.

  • Runa und ich 1

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  • Runa

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  • Runa und ich 2

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  • Runa 2

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  • Runa und ich 3

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  • Runa 3

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  • Runa und ich 4

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  • Runa 4

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  • Runa 5

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  • Runa 6

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Here you can find more information about Runa – employee on four paws

Whether and where animal-assisted therapy with its many possibilities makes sense and is feasible for you can be discussed and worked out individually.

Animal-assisted therapy can take place in the practice rooms or outdoors.

tiergestützt Therapie

Animals help heal

The four-legged friends are more than just loyal companions. They can have a positive influence on the physical and mental health of each individual. The mere presence of an animal in the same room can lower the blood pressure of the people present and make it easier for them to relax. Even an aquarium with fish has this effect. The prerequisite is that you get involved with an animal. The size and breed of the animal are not important.

As part of a study, budgies were given to residents of a nursing home to look after. Over time, the participants in the study became more "alert", rediscovered their interest in life and felt fitter and healthier. After the study, everyone wanted to keep their animals because the participants noticed the positive effect.

Similar experiences were made in a study with long-term unemployed people who were given a dog to accompany them. Among other things, the animals brought structure to their owners' lives. They moved more, which led to improved health values. Many even managed to return to work. The dogs replaced chaos with structure and brought meaning to people's lives where previously resignation and disinterest reigned.

Animals = the connection to nature

In today's society, most people spend too much time indoors, in front of screens and far away from nature. Everyone knows that this is not healthy, but everyone has their own daily routine and the rituals associated with it. Animals bring people back into contact with nature because they are much more connected to it.

By interacting with animals, the heartbeat of nature can be felt again - a feeling that has been lost in recent years.

Are you looking for this feeling, the "heartbeat of nature"? Then the "hike of happiness with your dog" or "stress reduction with vitamin forest and dog" is just the thing for you.

"Animals are...

our stop in the thought carousel,

our anchor in the emotional chaos...

our vanishing point in a much too

hectic world... that never stands still

and seems to rush past us anonymously...

They pick us up when we

have lost our way... to find ourselves

to find again."

(Sylvia Raßlaff)

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Note: I would like to point out that as a natural health practitioner, limited to the field of psychotherapy, I am not allowed to make any promises of healing. A visit to my practice is in no way a substitute for treatment by a doctor. Since many psychological symptoms can also have a physical cause, it is necessary to have the symptoms clarified by your GP or specialist!

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